The Dark Knight Trilogy is one of the most beloved comic book trilogies ever to hit the movie screen. Here are 5 facts from each movie that you might not have known before!
Batman Begins (2005)
5. The cast includes five Oscar winners. They are Christian Bale, Sir Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy, and Morgan Freeman.
4. A full city block of Gotham was built in a converted aircraft hangar and much of it based on the slums of Kowloon in Hong Kong.
3. For this one movie, the marketing costs were $100 million. Which were at the time, the most ever spent on one movie.

2. You would think that Batman’s gear and apparel are just fictional, but much of it, including his cape and suit, is based on real-life military technology.
1. Even though Heath Ledger gave us a masterful performance in The Dark Knight as the Joker, in Batman Begins he was considered for the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman during this movie’s early development.
The Dark Knight (2008)
5. Aaron Eckhart prepared for his role of Two-Face by studying what happens psychologically to burn victims.
4. For this movie, in total, thirty-nine vehicles are crashed, shot, blown-up, bumped, or otherwise involved in some sort of violence.

3. This was the first comic book movie to reach the 1-billion-dollar mark worldwide.
2. Heath Ledger posthumously won a total of 32 “Best Actor in a Supporting Role” awards for his work on this movie, including an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and a Critics’ Choice award.
1. At around 1 hour and 24 minutes into the movie, Heath Ledger starts clapping inside his jail cell as Gordon is promoted. The clapping was not scripted, but Sir Christopher Nolan immediately encouraged the crew to continue filming, and the sequence made the final cut.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
5. Cillian Murphy holds the record for the most frequently appearing Batman villain. He played Dr. Jonathan Crane a.k.a. Scarecrow in all three movies in The Dark Knight trilogy.

4. The first draft of The Dark Knight Rises script ran approximately four hundred pages.
3. Anne Hathaway worked out five days a week on a regimen that involved exercise, stunt training, and dancing to prepare for her role as Catwoman.
2. The Batsuit consisted of one hundred ten separate pieces. One of those pieces was the cowl, which was sculpted from a cast of Christian Bale’s face and head to be a perfect fit for him.
1. In 2019, Christian Bale said that sometime after the third film was released, Warner Bros. approached him to make a fourth film. He said that he would only do it if Christopher Nolan was involved as director.

Gary Miceli has loved film from a very early age, from the silent masterpieces of Charlie Chaplin to recent blockbuster hits. His love for cinema from all eras of history inspired him to go to film school and graduate with his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. He continues to work hard in this wonderful field and always explores new avenues of expressing his love for movie/TV history.