Stream “To Infinity” here. Buy the physical album here.
WINNER’s MINO has returned with a new idea called ‘Digital Gun Man,’ demonstrating his own musical spectrum.
The third album, named “TO INFINITY” was inspired by the iconic lyric “To Infinity and Beyond” from the Toy Story film and shows his endless love for his followers.
MINO’s second album is a “very ‘MINO-like’ album and MINO’s identity itself,” according to YG. Meanwhile, his faith in this comeback album was demonstrated in “TO INFINITY.” All of the songs, which contain a mix of his unique hip-hop swag, sensual mood, and experimental sound, were written, composed, and arranged by him.
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According to MINO, “To Infinity” is a very gorgeous record based on the theme of “city cowboy.” He also stated that he wants to convey a modern vibe by using emoticons in the song titles and expressing each song in an amusing manner. ‘Tang!’, the album’s lead hit, stands out with passionate lyrics about the readiness to give up everything for love.
“To Infinity” is definitely an album that should be heard not just by the WINNER fandom, InnerCircle, but also by other hip-hop and k-pop fans, as Mino has done his best, and has traveled deep in his self and consciousness to be able to produce his third solo album.
Stream “To Infinity” here. Buy the physical album here.

Adreena is a writer from Nagano, Japan, but is now residing in Singapore. She mostly writes music news and reviews, but in her spare time, she likes writing fiction and poems.
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